But it can't be built at the Commonwealth player HQ, because its cargo hold is 200K units smaller than the Terran's, and the materials needed won't fit. It can be reverse engineered at the player HQ, taking 5 days and 20 hs to complete. It is seen rarely in (and only in) war sectors in Albion Prelude. The Valhalla is present in Terran Conflict's game files, but never spawns. With some pre-planning, the Valhalla is a fleet unto itself. The Valhalla is incredibly slow, and so cannot chase down rampaging M7s in a sector, but it can carry up to 10 M6 or M8s, which can be deployed to fire their devastating payloads and then re-dock on the Valhalla for protection. While the Valhalla's cargobay is cavernous, filling every gun slot with PSPs and SSCs leaves relatively less space for fighter resupply, but it carries 10 docking ports for TS or M7/8 class ships, allowing enormous versatility. The Valhalla mounts more total guns than any other ship in the game, mounts the toughest shields in the game, and only the Split Raptor can field more fighters. The Valhalla is a long, broad, spiky ship, painted gunmetal gray. Nothing moves in Terran space without the Valhalla knowing, and nothing strikes more fear into the hearts of Earth's enemies than the possibility of having the Valhalla appear on their doorstep. The Valhalla is the AGI Task Force's flagship and mobile command centre. In the literature, the Valhalla is classified as an M0 Battleship, but as there is no actual M0 classification in X3: Terran Conflict, it appears in-game as an M2 Destroyer. Its hangar can accommodate Medium-sized ships, a trait shared by the Aran, Ozias and several M7C class ships. It is obviously unfinished, as there are also some turret placement and targeting bugs in its design. It is also one of the largest craft in the game, being too wide to fit through gates. This behemoth is canonically the flagship of the ATF, boasting large weapon arrays, spacious hangars and massive shields. The mighty Valhalla is not available in a vanilla game, but present in the game files.